Commonly used email subject and body abbreviations
Some most commonly used email subject and body abbreviations.
No. | Abbreviations | Full Form | Description |
1. | RE | Reply to | Followed by the subject line of a previous message indicates a reply to that message. This is not an abbreviation. |
2. | Fw or FWD | Forwarded | The recipient is informed that the email was originally sent to someone else, and that person has in turn forwarded a copy of the email to him. |
3. | FYI | For Your Information | The recipient is informed that he does not have to reply to this email. |
4. | OT | Off Topic | Used within an email thread to indicate that this particular reply is about a different topic than the rest of the thread. |
5. | EOM | End of Message | Used at the end of the subject when the entire content of the email is contained in the subject and the body remains empty. |
6. | AB | Action By | Used with a time indicator to inform the recipient that the sender needs a task to be completed within a certain deadline, e.g. AB+2 meaning Action By 2 days. |
7. | RB | Reply By | Used with a time indicator to inform the recipient that the sender needs a reply within a certain deadline. |
8. | AR | Action Required | The recipient is informed that he is being given a task. |
9. | FYA | For Your Action | The recipient is informed that she is being given a task. Can also mean For Your Amusement, For Your Attention, For Your Approval, For Your Assistance, For Your Awareness, For Your Authorization, or For Your Acknowledgement. |
10. | FYSA | For Your Situational Awareness | The recipient is informed that this information may be important for other communications. |
11. | FYFG | For Your Future Guidance | Used at the beginning of the subject, typically in corporate emails. |
12. | FYG | For Your Guidance | Used in corporate emails in which management wants to inform personnel about a new procedure they should follow. |
13. | LET | Leaving Early Today | Used in corporate emails to indicate that the sender will be leaving the office early. |
14. | NLS | Not Life Safe | Used to indicate that the content may be shocking or grotesque, helping the recipient to avoid objectionable material. |
15. | NMS | Not Mind Safe | |
16. | NMP | Not My Problem | Used in a reply to indicate that the previous email has been ignored. |
17. | NWR | Not Work Related | Used in corporate emails to indicate that the content is not related to business and therefore that the recipient can ignore it if desired. |
18. | OoO | Out of Office | Used in corporate emails to indicate that the sender will not be at work. |
19. | PYR | Per Your Request | The recipient is informed that the sender is replying to a previous email in which he was given a task. |
20. | QUE | Question | The recipient is informed that the sender wants an answer to this e-mail. |
21. | RLB | Read Later | Used when sending personal or informational email to a business email address. Immediate response not required. |
22. | RR | Reply Requested | The recipient is informed that he should reply to this email. |
23. | Y/N | Yes/No | The recipient is informed that he should reply to this email with a simple yes or no answer. |
24. | PNSFW | Probably Not Safe For Work | Used in corporate/school emails to indicate that the content may be sexually explicit or profane, helping the recipient to avoid objectionable material. |
25. | PNFO | Probably Not For the Office | |
26. | NWS | Not Work Safe | |
27. | LSFW | Less Safe For Work | |
28. | NSFW | Not Safe For Work | |
29. | NSS | Not School Safe | |
30. | SSIA | Subject Says It All | Used when the entire content of the email is contained in the subject and the body remains empty. |
31. | SIM | Subject Is Message | |
32. | NT | No Text | |
33. | NIM | No Internal Message | |
34. | NM | No Message | |
35. | NNTR | No Need To Respond | The recipient is informed that he does not have to reply to this email. |
36. | NRN | No Reply Necessary OR No Reply Needed | |
37. | NRR | No Reply Requested OR No Reply Required | |
38. | SFW | Safe For Work | Used in corporate emails to indicate that although the subject or content may look as if it is sexually explicit or profane, it is in fact not. |
39. | TSFW | Technically Safe For Work |
Tags: Email Abbreviations, Subject Abbreviations, Common used email abbreviations
Created At: 02 May, 2014
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