Commonly used email subject and body abbreviations

Some most commonly used email subject and body abbreviations.

No. Abbreviations Full Form Description
1. RE Reply to Followed by the subject line of a previous message indicates a reply to that message. This is not an abbreviation.
2. Fw or FWD Forwarded The recipient is informed that the email was originally sent to someone else, and that person has in turn forwarded a copy of the email to him.
3. FYI For Your Information The recipient is informed that he does not have to reply to this email.
4. OT Off Topic Used within an email thread to indicate that this particular reply is about a different topic than the rest of the thread.
5. EOM End of Message Used at the end of the subject when the entire content of the email is contained in the subject and the body remains empty.
6. AB Action By Used with a time indicator to inform the recipient that the sender needs a task to be completed within a certain deadline, e.g. AB+2 meaning Action By 2 days.
7. RB Reply By Used with a time indicator to inform the recipient that the sender needs a reply within a certain deadline.
8. AR Action Required The recipient is informed that he is being given a task.
9. FYA For Your Action The recipient is informed that she is being given a task. Can also mean For Your Amusement, For Your Attention, For Your Approval, For Your Assistance, For Your Awareness, For Your Authorization, or For Your Acknowledgement.
10. FYSA For Your Situational Awareness The recipient is informed that this information may be important for other communications.
11. FYFG For Your Future Guidance Used at the beginning of the subject, typically in corporate emails.
12. FYG For Your Guidance Used in corporate emails in which management wants to inform personnel about a new procedure they should follow.
13. LET Leaving Early Today Used in corporate emails to indicate that the sender will be leaving the office early.
14. NLS Not Life Safe Used to indicate that the content may be shocking or grotesque, helping the recipient to avoid objectionable material.
15. NMS Not Mind Safe
16. NMP Not My Problem Used in a reply to indicate that the previous email has been ignored.
17. NWR Not Work Related Used in corporate emails to indicate that the content is not related to business and therefore that the recipient can ignore it if desired.
18. OoO Out of Office Used in corporate emails to indicate that the sender will not be at work.
19. PYR Per Your Request The recipient is informed that the sender is replying to a previous email in which he was given a task.
20. QUE Question The recipient is informed that the sender wants an answer to this e-mail.
21. RLB Read Later Used when sending personal or informational email to a business email address. Immediate response not required.
22. RR Reply Requested The recipient is informed that he should reply to this email.
23. Y/N Yes/No The recipient is informed that he should reply to this email with a simple yes or no answer.
24. PNSFW Probably Not Safe For Work Used in corporate/school emails to indicate that the content may be sexually explicit or profane, helping the recipient to avoid objectionable material.
25. PNFO Probably Not For the Office
26. NWS Not Work Safe
27. LSFW Less Safe For Work
28. NSFW Not Safe For Work
29. NSS Not School Safe
30. SSIA Subject Says It All Used when the entire content of the email is contained in the subject and the body remains empty.
31. SIM Subject Is Message
32. NT No Text
33. NIM No Internal Message
34. NM No Message
35. NNTR No Need To Respond The recipient is informed that he does not have to reply to this email.
36. NRN No Reply Necessary OR No Reply Needed
37. NRR No Reply Requested OR No Reply Required
38. SFW Safe For Work Used in corporate emails to indicate that although the subject or content may look as if it is sexually explicit or profane, it is in fact not.
39. TSFW Technically Safe For Work

Tags: Email Abbreviations, Subject Abbreviations, Common used email abbreviations

Created At: 02 May, 2014

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